Recently on the blog, we offered an easy-to-understand overview about What Is an API. Not everyone on your team is a developer, and it’s helpful to be able to communicate with “non-techies” about the benefits APIs can bring, especially when adapted for specific use cases that benefit your team’s productivity and, ultimately, your customer experience.
As we explained in our entry-level post, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), are sets of protocols and rules that give developers the ability to request specific functions or resources from an existing application to integrate with one of their own systems.
The main function of an API is to receive, relay, and fulfill requests — or “calls” — from developers, providing them with access to specific functionality that allows the developer to execute customized and/or complicated tasks without having to develop all the code from scratch.
This fun animated video also paints a pretty clear picture about what an API is:
How APIs Can Help Automate Your Automation
The video and previous blog post only begin to scratch the surface of how valuable APIs can be for developers. To help illustrate this using more specific and slightly more advanced use cases, today I’m introducing four really neat things that our API users can take advantage of to automate the automation of Cyara’s CX assurance platform.
To provide you with the most flexible, extensible, and scalable solution that you can integrate with your existing technology environment, we’ve developed a suite of plug-and-play, pre-formatted sample programs using Cyara’s REST API routes. Below you’ll find several examples of these programs that you can leverage to save time and resources while increasing the value you see from Cyara.
1. PulseMetrics
Want to generate a report with years of Pulse data? Would you like to compare quarter-to-quarter, or month-to-month with that same Pulse-generated data? You can! Cyara’s API lets you build your very own HTML report – complete with metric breakdowns, charts, and analytics. Access this PulseMetrics sample program by downloading the folder at the bottom of this Developer Central article.
2. SchedulePulseCampaigns
To make sure that you are monitoring your production environment around the clock, including open and after hours, weekdays, weekends, and holidays, use Cyara’s pre-packaged API program. The SchedulePulseCampaign sample we built for you intelligently creates all your Pulse campaigns for you, with test cases for your IVRs with all kinds of available customization for when and how oven to schedule them. With the SchedulePulseCampaigns sample, just add some basic information into the Pulse test case descriptions, and with a click of a button, all your Pulse campaigns are automatically created for you, optimized for efficiency and speed. Access this SchedulePulseCampaigns sample program by downloading the folder at the bottom of this Developer Central article.
3. AdjustConfidences + AdjustThresholds
Have you just finished building out your test cases and started running them in your campaigns? We built a sample API program you can use to automatically check whether your test cases are tuned correctly. Used in combination, Cyara’s AdjustConfidences and AdjustThresholds sample API programs grab all the recent calls and their corresponding confidence scores and thresholds. Use this information to determine which prompts are erroring the most, and which ones need to be tuned and how. Access the AdjustConfidences and the AdjustThresholds sample programs by downloading the folder at the bottom of this Developer Central article.
4. AniDebugTestCase
With ANI spoofing (Not familiar? Learn more about ANI Spoofing here), you are putting in thousands of calls from Cyara to your contact center for testing purposes. How can you determine which ones are going where? Use Cyara’s REST API sample program AniDebugTestCase to automatically duplicate a test case, generate a random ANI for it, run the test case, and get its results. And with the random ANI, you can look in your backend and easily find the call. Access the AniDebugTestCase sample program by downloading the folder at the bottom of this Developer Central article.
But wait, there’s more! These four examples are only a few of the capabilities we have provided sample programs for with Cyara’s REST API. You can find lots more information about these and other samples available in our API Samples article published on Cyara’s Developer Central. (To access it, be sure you’re logged in to the Knowledge Center before clicking the link.)
Need a little more instruction on how to put these API routes to work or create your own customized programs with Cyara’s API? Talk to your Cyara Account Executive or Customer Success Manager today about setting up a Cyara API training session.
We can’t wait to see what you build!