What drew you to a career at Cyara originally and how has the company changed since?
A young company with a fresh view in a similar industry is what initially grabbed my attention, but the world of CX was entirely new to me at that time. Since I joined, Cyara has expanded and matured in culture and product offering significantly.
What does a typical day look like for you and what are you currently working on?
A typical day for me always starts with a coffee while reviewing emails that came through overnight. From there, I may have assignments to mark, certifications to issue, customer or employee training to set up, or support requests to attend to. After clearing the backlog of day-to-day tasks, I’ll move on to a main goal such as developing training material for a new product, updating existing training content, writing scripts, or producing video tutorials.
Tell us about your work life harmony at Cyara?
Cyara supports having a healthy work/life balance. As long as the job gets done, you can take time out as needed; to go for a run, pick up your kids from school, get a haircut or even pay a bill that would otherwise be difficult to do during business hours.
Describe your current role at Cyara.
My current role is Training Content Specialist, which requires me to produce training content in various formats. While mostly customer focused and technical in nature, I do create content to support other areas of the business too, such as People Experience, Sales, Marketing and Engineering. I’m also required to maintain our LMS and Training environments and provide support when needed.
How would you describe the culture at Cyara?
Very supportive, inclusive, and respectful with a family first approach. Open to change and forward thinking.
What has been the most empowering moment in your Cyara career journey?
Helping to move our Cyara Xchange event from an in-person event to a completely online event when Covid-19 hit. Being able to pitch in and use my video editing skills to help create a successful outcome when the pressure was on, was extremely satisfying.
What are you passionate about in your role?
I love to learn and then pass the knowledge on, especially when that helps our customers achieve the outcomes they desire. Assisting new Cyarans with their onboarding journey is also very rewarding for me.
How does Cyara help support your sense of purpose in your career?
By providing a nurturing environment and development plans to help you achieve your personal goals.
What have you gained from working at Cyara from a career perspective?
The opportunity to see how my work positively impacts our customers and the experiences they deliver to their customers.
If you could describe Cyara as an employer in 3 words, what words would you use?
Supportive – Inclusive – Inspiring
How has Cyara’s global approach to diversity helped you in your career so far?
A diverse group of people enables different perspectives to meet and mingle, and provides new ideas to grow.